saturday swag

Freddie Gray’s Mom

A few days ago it was reported that Freddie Gray’s mom may have attempted suicide. Gray was killed by police when they failed to give him proper medical attention and contributed to his death by shattering his spinal cord. While scrolling the Internet, I came across a person who asked why Gray’s mom would do such a thing. Well, probably because her son was basically tortured/murdered, she was under enormous pressure by the Baltimore police/politicians to contain the rightful protests over the incident, and there tends to be a lack of support for black parents whose children are victims of police brutality.

I believe the mothers of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown and Tamir Rice reached out to her, but it may have all been too much.

The world is not kind to a black mother’s pain.

Recently, a friend shared a conversation she had with a white woman. The woman declared that black folks don’t cry as much as white folks. Wait…what? Rewind. Yes, she sincerely believes black folks don’t cry.

Initially, I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of her comment, but the woman’s sentiments support a study done a year or so ago that white people tend not to recognize black people’s pain. It’s even worse for black women as we have to contend with strong black woman rhetoric. It makes me wonder about some white folks sometimes. It truly does.

In any case, sending love to Freddie Gray’s mom.

Yes, black folks cry too. Photo from:
Yes, black folks cry too.

Welcome back…

or maybe I should say I’m finally back ๐Ÿ™‚ Whew, it was a long summer/early fall. I have had so many life changes. I relocated to the misguided Deep South (they still walking around with confederate flags, y’all) and popped out a baby. Yep, you read right, I had a little one. If you’ve been following the blog you know I have stated no babies for me. And as someone in her 40’s figured those days were over anyway. The joke’s on me!ย  I wasn’t going through menopause after all.

I’ve been enjoying my new role as a mom. It’s hard work and you never know if these kids will even like you when they get older, but for now my baby’s gummy smile is worth it ๐Ÿ™‚

Now that i’m getting adjusted to motherhood, I’m ready to get back to blogging. There is so much nonsense happening out here from the presidential campaign to the continuing murders of black folks by cops (RIP Corey Jones) to the out of control memes on Drake’s Hotline Bling… there’s no way my keys can stay quiet!

However, before I get too deep into it, I am excited about the upgrade on The Wiz movie. A lot of white folks tend not to respect the 1978 film starring Diana Ross and Michael Jackson and an amazing score by Quincy Jones. The film also features the beautiful song “Home” torn to shreds (in a good way) by Stephanie Mills for the stage version. Many white folks think The Wiz is a tacky take on The Wizard of Oz, but The Wiz is more creative than the original film IMO.

I’m looking forward to the live version that will be shown on NBC in December. Hopefully, NBC won’t mess it up.